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Have Your Say: Branding Cork
Have Your Say: National Tourism Policy Statement
Subsidised Training
Tell Us Your Training Needs for 2014! And be in with a chance to win our fabulous prize
Get Ready for SEPA
Business Breakfast with Herb Hribar, CEO of eircom
Access to Finance for SMEs - PART 2 - EU Funding
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Breakfast Briefing in advance of Budget 2014
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The 2013 Cork innovates bursary is valued at €30,000
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Have Your Say: National Tourism Policy Statement

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport have launched a public consultation to support their development of a new tourism policy for Ireland.  As part of the process, the Department has prepared an Issues Paper and is seeking viewpoints under the following four areas: 

1. Tourism Marketing

2. Tourism Product Development

3. Human Resources and Training / Innovation / Enterprise Support and Competitiveness

4. Implementing Policy and Service Delivery Mechanisms

The Chamber is preparing a submission as part of the public consultation and invites interested parties to submit their views/observations/suggestions on the four key areas to Alma Murnane,  Director of Policy & External Relations ( before  Friday 11th October.

For more information and to access the Issues Paper please visit:



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