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Cork Chamber calls for N28 to be Prioritised
Purple Ambitions Striving Forward
Local Economic and Community Plan
Subsidised Training
New Training Skillnet
Strengthening and Building on Cork's Successes in Asia
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Countdown to SeaFest
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Strengthening and Building on Cork's Successes in Asia

Cork China Business Summit 

Date: Monday 13th July
14.00 -18.00
Cork City Hall
Book: here

Embracing New Opportunities Entering a Second Decade of Economic Cooperation. Keynote address by H.E. Peter Ryan, Consul General of Ireland to Hong Kong and Macau.

Other speakers include Barrie O’Connell, President, Cork Chamber; Dave Murphy, PM Group; Frank O’Mahony, Wilson Architecture, Pat Fitzgerald, Morgan McKinley.

Asia Ireland Food and Agritech Forum
Date: Tuesday 14th July
08.00 -14.30
Cork Institute of Technology
Book: here

Examining Opportunities in the Fasting Growing Sector of Asia Ireland Trade. 
Keynote address by Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development.

Other speakers include Aidan Cotter, Bord Bia; Gerard Keenan, Keenan Systems; David Butler, Sustainable Food Systems Ireland.

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