In this issue
Survey Prize Winner
Have Your Say on the City Centre Movement Strategy Consultation
Subsidised Training
Make your online presence work for you!
Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast
Chamber Supported Events
Enterprise Ireland “Get Export Ready” Seminar
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
ICC Cyber Security Guide for Business
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Survey Prize Winner

Cork Chamber would like to congratulate David Bradley, David Bradley Electrical on winning a €250 travel voucher including one week's complimentary car parking and lounge access which is generously sponsored by The Cork International Airport.

Many thanks to all those who completed this quarter’s economic survey.  Your input is greatly appreciated and highlighted a number of positive trends around confidence levels, turnover, net profits and employment. However, the survey findings also highlighted a number of factors that businesses believe pose a threat to growth and require careful monitoring to reduce any associated risks including financial threats and some infrastructure deficiencies. Cork Chamber will continue to drive the importance of finding solutions to issues that impact on business confidence and will continue to promote Cork as a location which is conducive to driving economic growth. 

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