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Chamber Supports Blue Economy
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Chamber Supports Blue Economy
Business Breakfast with Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute in association with The Irish Examiner

Date: Thursday 25th June
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Clarion Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members
Book: here

Cork Chamber is committed to the development of the Blue Economy in the Region, and to communicate the importance of this growth sector to businesses, large and small, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute. 

Cork has been selected to host the inaugural National Maritime Festival, SeaFest, in July 2015. This is further endorsement of the strategic role that our Region plays in the national maritime economy.  This Region has an enviable infrastructure and expertise that is exemplary not only throughout Europe but globally also. 

To understand the opportunities that the Blue Economy represents for Cork and Ireland, we encourage you to attend this event and hear from Peter Heffernan on Thursday 25th June in the Clarion Hotel 

to secure your place

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