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Economic Trends Survey – How was 2012 for your business?
Subsidised Training
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EU Presidency 2013 - Ireland will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

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The Business School @ Cork Chamber
Why not make upskilling your employees your New Year’s Resolution?!

Train the Trainer – a FETAC Level 6 Course – 14th January, 2013

This 3 day course, one of our more popular, is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, deliver, assess and evaluate training programmes. It is suitable for people who are working in the area of training and development or who will soon be assuming a training position within their organisation. Participants on this course will gain practical experience and recognised certification as trainers.

At the end of this programme successful participants will be able to:


  • Understand different learning styles;
  • Explain critical elements of a trainers' role;
  • Understand the functions and processes of learning and training;
  • Evaluate different approaches to training;
  • Appreciate the importance of training on an individual, social and economic level;
  • Work effectively with a range of learner groups;
  • Explain the training needs analysis process and set appropriate training objectives;
  • Apply the principles of training design in preparing lesson plans;
  • Deliver training effectively in one-to-one and group situations, and select appropriate techniques for assessing trainee progress;
  • Identify different levels of evaluation and evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes;
  • Develop and implement appropriate assessment methods.


So if you wish to gain a professional accredited qualification in the area of training, for a special member rate of €400.00, BOOK TODAY


Supervisory Management – a FETAC Level 6 course – 23rd January, 2013

This Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6) course can be tailored to the specific needs of your company and is assessed through completion of a Skills Demonstration and an Assignment. Following the completion of this 4 day programme, you will have:

  • Acquired the theoretical knowledge enabling you to understand the role and responsibilities of a supervisor
  • Acquired a range of supervisory and management skills
  • Developed good interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrated the confidence to deal with a variety of challenging situations
  • Developed good work practices appropriate to your role as supervisor/line manager.

So, for an accredited qualification in the area of management, and at a cost of only €450.00 for members, BOOK NOW!


Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt) – 24th January, 2013

In these challenging times, all companies need to ensure they are controlling current costs and taking the steps needed to enhance their future performance. Lean Six Sigma helps companies streamline operations, increase value and reduce waste. Lean Six Sigma is a prescription for regaining business health and transforming a company, a way to cut waste from its operations and of increasing productivity and improving quality.

At the end of this training programme you will be able to:

1. Understand Continuous Improvement.
2. Understand Lean Six Sigma methodology and DMAIC.
3. Understand Change Management and tools used.
4. Understand how to use the most important tools in DMAIC phases.
5. Identify sources of waste and variation within the business.
6. Use Lean Six Sigma as an efficient and effective cost reduction strategy.

Our next Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt) course starts on 24th January 2013 and is of eight days duration delivered over three months for ONLY €900 so BOOK NOW.


Why train with us? We have small class sizes (average 10 per class), Top Trainers (all are leaders within their respective fields), locally delivered and exceptionally good value for money.

See our full range of courses at

Bookings can be completed through the website and enquiries should be directed to (Training Services Administrator)

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