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Cork Chamber’s latest Economic Bulletin explores the National and Regional Economy over Q1 2015
Subsidised Training
May we do some Training??
Networking Event on an Irish Rail Train
Leadership in Action
Open Day at Cork Chamber
Chamber Supported Projects
Cork innovates with Startup Ireland announce a National Plan for a Startup Gathering 5 cities, 5 industries, 5 days for Startups
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Accessing Capital - 2015 and Beyond

The speakers at the event are Pearse O’Donovan, Brian Hayes and Ned Murphy of Moore Stephens Nathans. Guest Speaker at the event will be Nick Ashmore, CEO of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI). SBCI are making substantial funding available through financial institutions to SMEs in order to enhance liquidity and lower the cost of funding in the SME market. Senior members of the financial institutions will also participate.     

This should be of huge interest and benefit to those seeking new and replacement finance.

In the event of over subscription another event will be run in the short term.

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