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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

Webinar on Regional Food Products in Japan, 20th January 2015, 9:30 am

The EU Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is organising a free webinar targeted at Irish companies who wish to export food and drink products to the Japanese market but it may also be useful for companies that are already present there.

The 40-minute webinar will focus on:

  • Market overview of opportunities within the Japanese food and drink market;
  • Expectations of the Japanese consumer;
  • The importance of unique selling points for the sector in a Japanese context;
  • A SWOT analysis to gain insights on how to position your products for the Japanese market.

The webinar will be delivered by Rob Van Nylen of the EU Japan Centre and will include an introduction, presentation, Q&A session and conclusion. 

Click here to register your place for this seminar.


Webinar on Decoding Smart Energy Business Prospects in India, 22nd January, 10:00 am

The newly elected Indian government is committed to providing 24/7 electricity to all households in the next 5 years and has recently launched 3 focused programmes (worth approximately €11.8 bn) which aim to bring this objective into fruition. The government has also announced an ambitious programme to build 100 smart cities on fast track which will enable India to emerge as a prime market destination for Smart Energy solutions.

This webinar will:

Click here to register your free place on this seminar.


Sicily Food Project, 22nd-24th February 2015, Sicily, Italy

Enterprise Europe Network Sicily, in association with Confindustria Sicilia (Sicily’s Regional Government), are organising an incoming food and drink mission to Sicily through the Sicily Food Project. The project aims to promote Sicilian food and drink products on a global level and the mission itself is focused on sourcing overseas food and drink buyers who may wish to add Sicilian products to their product portfolio. The event will comprise of an exhibition, one-to-one meetings and company visits. The Regional Government of Sicily is seeking Irish food and drink buyers to attend this mission and is offering to cover travel expenses; including a return flight to Sicily, transfer to and from the airport and local transportation, accommodation for 3 nights from February 22 to 25 and specialised assistance for four days of B2B meetings, on-site visits and business events. The event will include:

  • An opening seminar and specialised round-table discussions to introduce the characteristics of the organic food sector in Sicily;
  • B2B meetings with Sicilian companies;
  • Company site visits.

Ecobuild Matchmaking 2015, 4th March 2015, London, UK

Ecobuild will take place in London 3th-5thMarch. The event is at the forefront of sustainable design, construction and energy for new builds, refurbishments, commercial and domestic buildings. The Enterprise Europe Network is organising a brokerage event that will take place during Ecobuild on March 5th. The Network is pre-arranging one-to one meetings, whereby visitors and exhibitors can find potential commercial and technology partners from all over Europe.

The focus of the Ecobuild matchmaking event will be on:

  • Sustainable design
  • Innovative and efficient eco-technologies
  • New building materials and technologies
  • Systems and equipment using energy from alternative sources

To view the online catalogue of participating companies, please click here. For further information about how to participate in Ecobuild please contact  



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