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Light it up Blue Gala Ball

More than 300 people are expected to attend the annual fundraiser, now in its fifth year. Guests will be welcomed to a champagne drinks reception in the enchanting setting of the Orangery followed by a delicious four-course meal. There will be a monster raffle with some fantastic prizes up for grabs and entertainment on the night will be from The Boogie Band.

Marion Courtney, Fundraising Manager at the CAA  said: ‘We will once again be shining a light on autism this April in order to raise awareness and understanding of autism which now affects 1:100 individuals in Ireland. In order to continue to upgrade our facilities we rely greatly on the generosity of the people of Cork. Demand for our services continues to grow so we hope the people of Cork will get behind this fundraising drive and help us raise much needed funds.  

Tickets for this wonderful evening of fine food, entertainment and dance cost €75 with tables of 10 available for group bookings. If you would like to purchase tickets or sponsor this event contact the CAA on 021 4533642 or email Log onto for more information.

 Caption: 2nd February 2015 Pictured at the launch of the Light it up Blue Gala Ball in aid of the Cork Association for Autism were from left to right David Power, Board of Director, Mary O’Sullivan Social Care Worker, Dáithí Ó’Sé, Marion Courtney Fundraising Manager and Karl Prendergast from The Boogie Band. Photo Darragh Kane

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