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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation

Including a breakfast briefing featuring guest-speaker Naomi Fein, CEO of Think Visual

The EEN at Cork Chamber is offering local businesses the opportunity to meet a UK business delegation led by the EEN from the Midlands (UK) on Wednesday 24th June in the Clarion Hotel. 

The morning will begin with a breakfast briefing, where Cork companies will have the opportunity to meet and network with the UK visitors.  Guest speaker at the breakfast will be Naomi Fein, CEO and lead graphic harvester of Think Visual.  Naomi will address the idea of creative thinking and visual communication as a means of crossing inter-cultural barriers, which is particularly relevant for businesses that are targeting new markets.


Following the breakfast briefing, there will be an opportunity to take part in a B2B matchmaking session with the visiting UK delegates, where companies will be able to explore potential synergies through 1:1 meetings.  These meetings must be booked in advance.  See “read more” for a full speaker biography and a list of the visiting UK companies.

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