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M20 is a key catalyst for economic development
Subsidised Training
Improve your relationship with your Team and with your Customers!
Network on the Move!
Leadership in Action
UK Incoming Trade Mission
A Bottle of Prosecco for Your Thoughts!
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Network on the Move!
In association with Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail
Date: Wednesday, 20th May 
Time: 17:15pm  - 19:30pm
Venue: Kent Station, Cork
Cost: Free for Chamber Members
To book: here

Cork Chamber and Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail will “link carriages” for the next Business After Hours networking event. This is an event with a difference, as it will take place on a moving train!

This after hours event will give you plenty of opportunities to network with fellow Cork Chamber members and with links to the regional hubs of Cobh & Charleville Chambers, you will meet new contacts as well as experiencing all of what Irish Rail can offer on board a return journey with a difference.

This event will truly put the “speed” back into speed networking, so don’t delay and be sure to book your place now.

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