Corporate & Group Subscriptions

Equip your employees with dependabletrusteddependablelocalunique
insight to help your business grow

For 180 years, the Irish Examiner has set the agenda on the issues that matter, highlighting stories and perspectives you won't find elsewhere. Our award-winning journalism is deeply rooted in the community and committed to investigative reporting — unearthing the truth, addressing problems and creating change. A Corporate & Group Subscription is a cost-effective way to provide your employees with premium access to the Irish Examiner to strengthen relationships, identify opportunities and better inform decisions.

Corporate & Group Subscriptions

Available to organisations and academic institutions. Benefits include:

Membership packages

from 5+ employees, we can tailor a package to suit your needs.

Unlimited premium digital access

across devices, at scale.

Daily ePaper

a digital replica of the print edition

Volume discounts

with savings up to 65% vs pay-monthly individual subscription costs.

Single annual invoice

for streamlined accounting.

Dedicated local customer service

representatives for account,
billing and service queries.

Product Features

With an Irish Examiner Corporate & Group Subscription, your team will
get unlimited access to essential news and opinion to drive action

• Unlimited premium digital access to

• Unlimited access to the Irish Examiner news app on Android and iOS

• Daily ePaper access - a digital replica of the full print edition via the ePaper app or desktop

• Choice of newsletters to suit your needs, including the weekly Business Hub

• Selection of podcasts, including analysis and insight from The Mick Clifford podcast

Join our community of subscribers that empower their employees
with trusted journalism, providing information you won’t find elsewhere.

Alternatively, we may also be contacted by phone at 021 2063300