Dale Carnegie Programme - High Impact Presentations
Course Dates: 14th & 15th August
Member Rate: €950.00
Trainer: Walter Bradley, Dale Carnegie
What’s it about?
The experience in this programme is as close as you can get to having a personal coach. A presentation is one of the most important tools you have in business for getting things done. Whether you're persuading colleagues, selling a client, energising a team or showing an idea to senior management, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure.
The class is small. The environment is supportive. The work is intense. The results are outstanding.
What’s covered?
This course will include:
- Creating a Positive First Impression - Increasing Credibility
- Presenting Complex Information - Motivating Others to Action
- Communicating with Greater Impact - Responding to Pressure Situations
- Inspiring People to Embrace Change
Who should attend?
This course is ideal for anyone who speaks in front of groups, sales people and anyone who meets the press. Given the one-on-one coaching nature of this Dale Carnegie course, places are limited to 6 so don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to experience this unique training course, at the reduced rate of €950.00 for Chamber members! BOOK NOW!
Autumn Training Calendar