Can Your Business Help?


How can businesses help with supplies and services to respond to COVID-19 in Ireland and internationally?



Health Innovation Hub Ireland – Solutions Portal 

Contribute a solution, product or expertise that is directly related to COVID-19:



Offers of support

Irish businesses can access a central government database to make an offer of support, supply or donate goods and services.



Covid Medical Supply 

Local companies, industry, universities, laboratories etc who may have Personal Protective Equipment in stock for supply, can register on this not for profit website.



European wide

Care & industry together against Corona

This platform aims to bring together different actors in Europe to match offers and requests between healthcare, industry, academia and government.



Digital Solutions by European SMEs in times of COVID-19

Browse through digital solutions and services to support SMEs.



Cluster Collaboration

European Commission information on actions and decisions for industry and industrial clusters - actors can share their experiences, solutions, requests and questions.