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Cork Chamber focuses on Maritime Opportunities
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Learn About Lille - The Food Industry Powerhouse of Northern France
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Cork Chamber focuses on Maritime Opportunities

Across the globe, governments are increasingly recognising the economic value of the seas as a source of energy, materials, food and transport. In 2012, the Irish Government published an Integrated Marine Plan which includes a goal to increase the turnover from our ocean economy to exceed €6.4bn by 2020.

Cork Chamber recognises the vast economic potential of the Maritime Sector for Cork businesses and is currently participating in a European Project funded through the ‘Regions of Knowledge’ Seventh Framework Programme called the Resource Efficiency Maritime Capacity Project (REMCAP). REMCAP is a collaborative project involving 14 partner organisations from six European maritime clusters The main objective of REMCAP is  to develop the clusters' ability to promote innovation and enable sustainable growth across the key markets of offshore wind; ocean energy; fishing; aquaculture; blue biotech; aggregates and dredging and seabed mining.

For more information visit the REMCAP website HERE or contact  Claire 

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