In this issue
GE Healthcare to Deliver Future of Biopharma from Cork
Submission to Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation on the Companies Act 2014
Subsidised Training
Advancing Leadership Programme (FETAC Level 6)
Practical Productivity - Microsoft Outlook
Build New Business Connections This Thursday
Cork Company of the Year Launch Event
October Business Breakfast with Niall Gibbons
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Advancing Leadership Programme (FETAC Level 6)

Starts Tuesday October 4th next - €760 for Chamber Members!

The Advancing Leadership programme is about developing the quality of the relationships in which leaders and managers engage with workplace colleagues, such as to enable them to achieve extraordinary results. The essence of such enabling relationships is that they feature a coaching approach to interpersonal engagement at their core.

The coaching process is about unlocking each person’s potential, to maximise his or her performance. And those who practice advanced leadership, deploy coaching as a fundamental practice in ensuring high performance outcomes in their organisations.

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