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Policy Update
Subsidised Training
Business School @ Cork Chamber
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2012
Business After Hours at the Kilkenny Shop
Eirgrid Informational Event
Enterprise European Network - Update
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Policy Update

Excellence in Local Government Awards

The Chambers Ireland 9th Annual Excellence in Local Government Awards was held in Dublin last week.  The awards recognise the services, supports and activities that local authorities provide for local people and local businesses.  A total of 17 awards were presented on the night across a range of categories.  The overall winners on the night were Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (City/County Council of the Year) and Navan Town Council (Town/Borough Council of the Year).  More information can be found here.


The Chamber established an Agri-Food Working Group in recent months to examine the food, drink and agri-food sector in the Cork region. The group has been engaging in a number of consultations with stakeholders from industry and local government in Cork to gather information on what is happening in the sector. Final consultations are currently underway and the findings from these shall be used to formulate a policy position on the requirements and opportunities of the Agri-Food sector in the Cork region. The Chamber believes that the Agri-Food sector has the potential to create new employment, economic activity and investment in the Cork region.       

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