Protect your information when working from home
Useful tips to consider

There has been a massive increase in the stats on business email compromise, phishing campaigns and malware etc due to Covid-19.


While you may have fire walls, robust passwords, anti-virus software, you still need to be vigilant particularly when working from home. Here are some helpful tips for you and your teams:

  1. Be vigilant of covid-19 phishing attacks. Don’t click on links from unknown senders. If it looks odd or your wondering why someone who you haven’t been dealing with sent you a document to download or it looks like its from someone within the organisation have a look at the actual address the email is coming from and not just the name.
  2. Be aware of smishing campaigns also. Smishing is SMS phishing. You might get a text with the word Urgent or some of the text in Caps. Don’t click on the link its more than likely smishing
  3. Name Spoofing: This is where the sender has studied your company structure and created a wholly false email address but used a legitimate name. Again always check email address behind the name.
  4. Be mindful of your surroundings when on video calls. Is there personal data in view, privileged info etc.
  5. Just like the office lock your laptop when away from your home office desk. Use work laptop for work only
  6. Check your wifi settings. Can anyone log in? Have you got a complex password?
  7. Use secure communication channels when sharing work info for example email, Microsoft teams, Server etc. don’t use whaps app etc
  8. Make sure all data is kept confidential. If you would normally shred in the office then it needs to be disposed of in a similar way at home.
  9. In terms of GDPR the same rules apply as they would in the office. No sharing of person information with third parties, don’t add people to mailing lists without consent etc