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Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
Date: Thursday, 18th June 2015
Time: 17:30 - 19:30
Venue: Fota Wildlife Park
Cost: Free to Cork Chamber members
To book: here

Cork Chamber will partner with Fota Wildlife Park, Cork’s most visited attraction to host a Summer BBQ Thursday 18th June. Fota Wildlife Park will open it’s gates to Chamber members for an evening of networking, wildlife-spotting, BBQing and meeting some new friends of the four-legged variety!

Guests will have an opportunity to view the much-anticipated Asian Sanctuary which is the creation of a whole new area at the park covering 27 acres which will make the park 97 acres in size upon completion. The Asian sanctuary focuses on some of the most endangered animals in the world all of whom are from south east Asia. So far it is home to the Sumatran Tigers, Visayan Spotted Deer, Visayan Warty Pig and Lion tailed macaques. This summer Fota Wildlife Park will also be introducing the magnificent Indian Rhino to the public.

This will be an event with a difference, so don’t miss your opportunity to view first-hand the fantasic growth of the Park, as well as all of the exciting & exotic animals which truly makes Fota Wildlife Park a fantastic place to visit and re-visit.

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