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Cork Chamber’s report on Cork’s Agri-food & Drinks Opportunities

The Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D launched Cork Chamber’s report on Cork’s Agrifood & Drinks Opportunities in the Triskel Christchurch on May 12th.  The launch was attended by over 200 stakeholders from the Agrifood and Drinks industry, relevant organisations and the wider business community.

The report identifies the regions strengths in this sector and highlights five opportunity areas  – R & D; Talent; SME & Artisan Supports; Co-ordinated Marketing/Profiling; and Facilitative Environmental Supports – where strategic investments, enhanced partnerships and targeted progressive developments will ensure Cork is as well positioned as possible to capitalise on the unique opportunities across the agri-economy at present.

Please click here for a copy of the report.

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