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To Lead and To Be A Leader

Provocative Leadership

Course Dates: 15th October, 5th November, 26th November & 10th December

Member Rate: €895.00

What’s it about?

One of the biggest challenges facing managers in today’s organisations is helping people to do what they need in order to reach the organisation’ goals and objectives. Unfortunately, many leaders who are well skilled in managing the tasks and functions with which their businesses engage, are ill equipped to handle the people side of their enterprises – the “soft stuff”.

Simply put, “the soft stuff is the hard stuff”.

Starting from the perspective that “Leadership Development is Self-Development”, this programme explores the development of leadership as a personal learning journey. Utilising a range of learning methods and activities drawn from the fields of personality psychology, behaviour change and emotion management, the programme provides participants with the self-understandings and skills to enable them to achieve enhanced capacity to engage successfully with workplace colleagues in organisation, team or individual settings.

Delivered through four modules, interwoven with in-depth coaching and practical leadership interventions, the programme explores key behaviours and intelligences that characterise leadership effectiveness.

What will I gain from this Programme?

  • Recognise the central relationship between leadership and lifelong learning
  • Undertake a Leadership Learning assessment
  • Explore the links between personality and personal leadership capability
  • Complete an individual Personality Type Assessment
  • Experience the process of observing leadership as it is deployed in practice
  • Understand the significance of developing powerful relationships in team environments
  • Undertake a Team Role Assessment
  • Complete an Emotional Effectiveness Assessment
  • Understand and be able to enhance your emotional and social effectiveness as a leader in your organisation

What’s Involved?

The Provocative Leadership programme is delivered over a four-month period in the following format:

  • Module 1 – Leadership & Learning – 1 Day
  • Module 2 – The Personality of Leadership – 1 Day
  • One-to-one leadership coaching session – 1½- 2 hours
  • Interactive Leadership Experience – 1 Day
  • Module 3 – Leading Teams that Work – 1 Day
  • Module 4 - Emotionally Effective Leadership – 1 Day
  • One-to-one leadership coaching session - 1½- 2 hours


Leading with Emotional Effectiveness

Course Dates: 13th October & 10th November

Member Rate: €495.00

What’s it about?

For leaders and potential leaders, developing our capacity for emotional and social effectiveness is considered as a crucial component for our capacity to influence and motivate.

Indeed there is strong research evidence that suggests that the success potential of leaders and managers in organisations, is significantly determined by how we regard ourselves, how we relate to others and how we respond to the demands of daily life.

And in terms of our capacity to function effectively as managers or leaders, this means that our potential for success is related to our ability to act purposefully, so as to deal effectively with the challenges we face every day, and in turn influence those whom we seek to lead, to build personal resilience, excellent interpersonal relationships and outstanding levels of workplace performance.

The Leading with Emotional Effectiveness programme provides participants with the understanding and capability to develop their social and emotional skills, thereby advancing their ability to influence others towards achievement of high levels of personal and professional effectiveness.

What will I gain from this Programme?

  • Recognise the impact of emotional & social awareness on work processes and relationships
  • Identify how the key functions of leadership are enriched through the application of emotional and social effectiveness techniques
  • Understand Emotional Effectiveness Competencies and how to develop them
  • Align emotional effectiveness competencies with leadership functions, using the EQi-2.0 Leadership Report
  • Understand how to create a workplace culture that delivers performance results through effective relationships
  • Be in a position to lead more emotionally effective teams
  • Use emotional effectiveness to advance personal development, improve work relationships, and contribute to significantly enhanced business outcomes
  • Build a developmental action plan designed to strengthen your personal emotional effectiveness

What’s Involved?

The Leading with Emotional Effectiveness programme is delivered over a one-month period in the following format:

  • Pre Programme completion of the EQi-2.0TM Assessment Instrument
  • Day 1 – Understanding Leadership & Emotional Effectiveness
  • Individually scheduled one-to-one coaching session with a programme facilitator, during which the results of the EQi-2.0TM Assessment are analysed and strategies for development explored
  • Day 2 – Developing your Individual Emotional Leadership Effectiveness
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