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Cork Chamber Networking Master Class 2016
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Cork Chamber Networking Master Class 2016

Date: Tuesday 12th January
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Venue: The River Lee Hotel
Cost: €20 members/€25 non members
To Book: online


Ensure you start off the New Year on the right foot! Cork Chamber is delighted to bring you a fully interactive, informative and fun event, which will ensure you have all you need to know about using social media more effectively as a networking tool, networking and relationship management skills as well as the importance of follow-up.

Get ready to:

  • Understand your point of distinction
  • Learn how to add value to every conversation
  • How to enter the networking room and make a great first impression
  • Ask three questions that everyone hasn’t heard a million times already
  • Know what to do with all those business cards
  • Deploy social media more effectively


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