While the recent extension of measures has an unquestionable impact on business, employers and each employee, it is clear these are necessary steps to allow us all to get back as early as possible. Along with this though, the formation of a stable Government is essential with a programmes for Government built on the basis of a stimulus and investment led recovery. Business demands and expects such leadership now.


On Wednesday last the Government announced a deepening of business loan and support schemes. We encourage our members to review these options and keep us informed as to their effectiveness for your business. While these strengthened schemes are welcome, more needs to be done to meet the needs of businesses, particularly SME’s getting back on their feet over coming months and particularly with regards to cash flow.


Ultimately it is essential that every Government related charge which impacts on cashflow such as VAT, PRSI or commercial rates, as well as other costs such rent, mortgages, loan repayments and utilities controlled by financial institutions and other providers are deferred and effectively underwritten by Government for a minimum of six months. We will continue to engage with Government and elected representatives in this regard.


We continue to deliver our virtual events and training programmes online and encourage you to engage with fellow members and will continue to evolve our services in line with demand and your feedback.


Now more than ever it is important to utilise through the Member’s Area to get your message out and avail of the extensive reach our social media platforms provide.


Please stay safe and in touch. Contract me at any time on conor@corkchamber.ie or 087 9471858.


Conor Healy,