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Cork Chamber Agrifood and Drinks Strategy
Subsidised Training
Can I speak to the Manager please?!
Cork Chamber/Network Cork Executive Lunch featuring Deirdre O’Connor
Business Breakfast with Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Government Procurement
Agri-Food and Drinks Launch
Horizon 2020: EU funding for Research and Innovation - Opportunities for Cork Companies
Enterprise Europe Network @ Cork Chamber
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Horizon 2020: EU funding for Research and Innovation - Opportunities for Cork Companies

This workshop will provide companies with an overview of the programme, describing how large and small companies can participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union’s recently launched research and innovation programme.  Between 2014 and 2020 €80 billion will be spent on this programme with Ireland striving to secure €1.25 billion of this fund.

This workshop will provide a road map for companies new to European research programmes, describing how large and small companies can participate.  There will also be an opportunity to network with some of the agencies charged with supporting the programme as well as contact details for the Horizon 2020 support services at European, national and local level.

Workshop Timetable:

  • 19:00   Refreshments and networking
  • 19:30  Opening by Professor Anita Maguire, Vice President for Research and Innovation, UCC
  • 19:45  Horizon 2020: Opportunities for Cork Companies Dr Seán McCarthy Hyperion Ltd
  • 21:00  UCC Support Services for Horizon 2020
  • 21:15  Closing remarks

Dr McCarthy specialises in designing training courses for researchers who participate in European research programmes; to date he has delivered training to over 45,000 researchers in 29 countries over the past 17 years.

UCC, Cork Chamber, EEN Cork, Cork innovates and Junior Chambers International are delighted to support this workshop and extend a sincere thank you to Dr Seán McCarthy for his engagement with each organisation.


University College Cork & Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 will tackle societal challenges by helping to bridge the gap between research and the market by, for example, helping innovative enterprise to develop their technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential. This market-driven approach will include creating partnerships with the private sector and Member States to bring together the resources needed.

This programme represents an enormous opportunity for UCC researchers to leverage national funding, collaborate nationally and internationally, and work with the private and other sectors to deliver economic and societal benefit for the region and the nation. Building on its success in FP7, UCC aims to achieve a greater number of successful participations in new projects accessing non-exchequer funds from Horizon 2020.

Cork Chamber is the leading business organisation for the promotion and development of economic and commercial activity in the Cork Region. A core function of the Chamber is to ensure that quality infrastructure and support services are in place to facilitate Cork-based business activity and growth.  Representing approximately 1,100 businesses in the Cork Region, the Chamber recognises the valuable opportunity that Horizon 2020 provides for innovative businesses and supports this event as a key opportunity to foster collaboration and business participation in Horizon 2020. 

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at Cork Chamber is an Initiative of the European Commission,  established to provide innovation and business support to SMEs across the EU and to identify business partners in the international marketplace.   With over 600 (EEN) partners in over 50 countries globally the EEN offers a wide range of free services and supports to SME

Cork innovates supports the creation of a best-in-class entrepreneurial environment within the Cork region by building on and maximising the collective value of partner members, and in turn delivering innovative, unique and complimentary initiatives in support of the Cork entrepreneurial community.

Junior Chamber International Cork is part of an international organisation aimed at attracting members aged 18-40, with a strong focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and active citizenship. It is also a member of the Cork Chamber. The organisation has a strong focus on developing young leaders by involving them in many worthwhile projects which add to and enhance community life in Cork.


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