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Survey Prize Winner
Subsidised Training
Deadline Day Looming!
Food for Thought: Trends and Opportunities in the UK Food and Drink Market
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
Business After Hours at the Mater Private
Innovation from Within
The New Digital Reality
Join the Cork Delegation to China
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Cork Startups Light Up On New Interactive Map
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In 2002 a big hearted Irishman stepped across a road that led to a poverty stricken township in the Cape of South Africa. The squalid living conditions Niall Mellon saw moved him deeply.

10 years later, with the collective help of more than 22,000 amazing volunteers, the local community and the S.A. Government we have managed to:

  • Build 25,000 homes
  • Transform the lives of 125,000 people
  • Mobilize 22,000 volunteers to participate in Building Blitz projects in the townships of South Africa
  • Fundraised and managed over £160m
  • Radically changed the South African housing policy




Our goal is to educate 100,000 impoverished African children.

In 2012, following an inspiring meeting with Nelson Mandela, Niall Mellon started planting bricks rather than laying them. He knew that by building schools, providing mentoring and teacher support, he would lay the seeds of growth and prosperity for the children of Africa. To date Mellon Educate has managed to:

  • Build and refurbish five schools
  • Train and mentor dozens of teachers
  • Help over 4,500 children
  • Raise pass rates from 20% to 75%
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