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The Global Climate Hackathon is on!
Cork Age Friendly Business Programme
Urban October - Life in the City
Ireland Improves its International Competitiveness
Cork City Centre Movement Strategy
Subsidised Training
Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2016 Semi-Finalists!
Advancing Leadership Programme (FETAC Level 6)
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Cork Company of the Year Launch Event
October Business Breakfast with Niall Gibbons
Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner 2016
Chamber Supported Projects
StartupIsland Bootcamp @ Spike Island
Innovate 2016: EEN opportunity for 2 free day tickets and B2B matchmaking, 2nd-3rd November, Manchester
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Ireland Improves its International Competitiveness

Ranked 23rd, Ireland has moved up one place in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competiveness Report 2016-2017, which provides an in-depth assessment of the factors driving productivity and prosperity across 138 counties.

 In the report it is highlighted that Ireland performs well in relation to goods market efficiency (ranked 5th), labour market efficiency (12th), technological readiness (12th), institutions (12th), health and primary education (13th) and higher education and training (13th). Further analysis on Ireland’s performance, strengths and weaknesses can be read here

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