In this issue
Cork Regional Chambers elect Ms. Maura Hunter as Chair
Subsidised Training
Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?
The New Digital Reality
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2015 in association with EY
Cork Company of the Year Awards - Launch Event
Chamber Supported Events
The Startup Gathering 2015
International Opportunities for Your Business
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International Opportunities for Your Business

Food Matters Live, Exploring the relationship between Food, Health and Nutrition, London, 17th-19th November


Cork Chamber is pleased to be organising a pavilion at Food Matters Live to highlight the connected expertise from the region.  The pavilion will provide opportunities for companies to highlight their innovate product offerings to food and drink buyers, for universities and institutes to showcase the latest research and collaboration, and provide Cork with an opportunity to highlight its joined-up approach to the connected themes food and drink, nutrition, health and sustainability.


The organisers are have offered us a discounted rate for the stands, at £1000 per organisation (for 3 days).  The stand would include:

  • Walls, carpet, name-board, electrical socket and lighting
  • Opportunity to contribute to the Food Matters Live ‘meet the buyer’ and Enterprise Europe Network B2B matching activities
  • Access to the VIP lounge and Food Matters Live drinks reception
  • Access to the Cork lounge for meetings
  • Event guide company listing
  • Food Matters Live website company listing with logo

Companies wishing to take a stand in the Cork area are asked to let us know as soon as possible.

Alternatively, we would be happy to include any businesses in this delegation, who do not wish to have a stand at the event, but would like to attend to participate in the conferences, seminars, Enterprise Europe Network’s Business-Matching event, and other activities taking place over the three days.  The Chamber will be block-booking hotel rooms and we are happy to organise the flights and other logistics on behalf of delegates, as well as a networking dinner for the Cork delegates on one evening.

For more information contact Katherine or Eimear.

Enterprise Europe Network B2B meetings at TRADEIT Food Technology Event, IT Tralee, 1st-3rd October

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is running a B2B event that will take place during TRADEIT’S Food Technology event 1st-3rd October. The event will bring together traditional food producers and experts in food safety technologies from across Europe. The purpose of the event is to present technologies suitable for the traditional food sector, and to facilitate the exchange of best practice between food producers, technology providers, researchers and food safety experts. This event has a particular focus on food safety issues for the dairy, meat and bakery sectors. The EEN brokerage event will allow attendees to make new international connections. To see a list of companies that are participating in the B2B element, please click here.

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