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Business Breakfast with Caroline Dowling, Flextronics
Business Owners Hub
Chamber Supported Events
How to use LinkedIn to Hire/Market/Sell
Chamber Supported Projects
National Job Shadow Day, 9th April
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Mother's Day at Flemings Restaurant

Treat your mother on Mother’s Day at Flemings Restaurant and let her enjoy an excellent lunch or dinner. Michael Fleming has created a wonderful menu that will charm a smile on everyone’s face. Celebrate the most important person in your life at Flemings. Please call Eileen on 021/4821621 or email

Cork Airport International Hotel Mother's Day & Easter Day Brunch

Treat that someone special to our Sunday brunch buffet on Mother’s day or Easter Sunday. Reduced price for Chamber members of €23.50 when booking prior to arrival. (Full cost: €25.00
for adults and €15.00 for children).

Children’s entertainment on the day. Contact Brid Ryan on or call us on 021 4549800

For more details: HERE