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Become a journalist for your company!

Inspiring Video Journalism with your iPhone/iPad

Member Rate: €225.00

Course Dates: 21st August


This course will equip you with the necessary skills to film and edit footage to upload to company websites and other social media platforms.

Who Should Attend?

This course is ideal for anyone wanting to produce their own video content for marketing their business.

Course Content:

  • This course is taught by TV and corporate film producers.
  • You will learn basic film and edit techniques on your iPhone or iPad enabling you to produce your own professional video content for the web.
  • During the workshop you will learn how to capture high-quality video footage, set up and film interviews and edit the video on an iPhone or iPad.
  • You will also be given advice on the most practical apps to use as well as a demonstration of the necessary accessories for broadcast quality results.


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