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Ringaskiddy Resource Recovery Centre


On the 13th of January 2016, Indaver lodged a planning application for a 240,000 tonnes per annum waste-to-energy facility (waste incinerator with energy recovery) for the treatment of household, commercial, industrial, non hazardous and suitable hazardous waste. The facility will generate approximately 18.5MW of electricity for export to the national electrical grid. This will be enough to supply the power needs of approximately 30,000 households. In addition, the proposed development will include an upgrade to a section of the L2545 road, coastal protection measures on Gobby Beach, a connection to the national electricity distribution grid, raising the ground levels in part of the site, and the provision of an amenity walkway along the eastern and part southern boundary of the site.


The deadline for submissions to An Bord Pleanala is the 9th of March 2016. See online   for more information about the planning process.


Should you have any views/observations on this development, Cork Chamber would like to hear from you before 1pm next Monday March 7th. Please contact Alma Murnane at or alternatively on 021-4509044 to discuss further. 

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