In this issue
Cork Chamber Submission on the Department of Transports Draft National Aviation Policy
Subsidised Training
Almost SOLD OUT!! 2 places left!! Don’t Miss Out!!
Cork Chamber Golf Classic 2014
Lunch on board Brittany Ferries Pont Aven
Sunday Business Post Economic Overview & Pre-Budget Panel Discussion
Chamber Supported Events
Jobs Expo Cork
Chamber Supported Projects
IDME Wins Unique US Business Opportunity
Expand your business Internationally with Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Cork Chamber Submission on the Department of Transports Draft National Aviation Policy

As the principal international gateway for the South of Ireland, Cork Airport’s services and air-connectivity have played a key role in ensuring the region’s status as the second most visited tourist destination after Dublin and are critical to the economic health and global investment appeal of Ireland’s second city and its surrounding counties. Cork’s air connectivity has been instrumental in attracting inward investment from global market leaders in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, ICT, biotechnology, professional services and international financial services. While the South of Ireland is the second largest economic engine in the country, economic recovery in the region is lagging behind the East and the National Aviation Policy needs to play a fundamental role in correcting this imbalance and enabling the region to reach its full potential.


In July the Chamber prepared a submission in consultation with its membership in response to the Department of Transport’s Draft National Aviation Policy. In the submission the Chamber highlighted a number of outstanding policy requirements that require consideration prior to the finalisation of the Aviation Policy. The submission makes a number of strategic recommendations that if implemented will support Cork Airport’s role in driving business and leisure tourism to the region. The Chamber submission and associated recommendations are available here

Subsidised Training
Almost SOLD OUT!! 2 places left!! Don’t Miss Out!!

Only 2 places left on our Dale Carnegie Programme - High Impact Presentations course running next week (14th & 15th August).

Don’t miss this opportunity to perfect your presentation technique! This course is:

  • As close as you can get to having a Personal Coach
  • Class is Small
  • Environment is Supportive
  • Work is Intense (13 times on your feet!)

So don’t delay, BOOK TODAY!

Dale Carnegie Programme - High Impact Presentations

Course Dates: 14th & 15th August

Member Rate: €950.00

Trainer: Walter Bradley, Dale Carnegie

What’s it about?

The experience in this programme is as close as you can get to having a personal coach. A presentation is one of the most important tools you have in business for getting things done. Whether you're persuading colleagues, selling a client, energising a team or showing an idea to senior management, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure.

The class is small. The environment is supportive. The work is intense. The results are outstanding.

What’s covered?

This course will include:  

- Creating a Positive First Impression                                      - Increasing Credibility

- Presenting Complex Information                                           - Motivating Others to Action

- Communicating with Greater Impact                                    - Responding to Pressure Situations

- Inspiring People to Embrace Change

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for anyone who speaks in front of groups, sales people and anyone who meets the press. Given the one-on-one coaching nature of this Dale Carnegie course, places are limited to 6 so don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to experience this unique training course, at the reduced rate of €950.00 for Chamber members!  BOOK NOW!

Autumn Training Calendar


Dale Carnegie Programme - High Impact Presentations         14th August

MS Excel (Intermediate) - 2007/2010       28th August


Project Management Professional       9th September

Certificate in Train the Trainer      11th September

Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt)    11th September

MS Powerpoint "Beyond the Basics"      11th September

Dynamic HR Business Partner      16th September

Certificate in Supervisory Management        17th September

Email & Business Writing     18th September

Personal Productivity using MS Outlook   18th September

Certificate in Business & Executive Coaching Leadership    19th September

Personal Effectiveness       21st October

Conflict Management       22nd September

Increasing Sales by Telephone      23rd September

MS Excel (Advanced) 2007/2010        23rd September

Introduction to Technical Writing     25th September

Effective Presentation Skills   30th September


Influencing and Negotiating Skills     1st October

Digital Marketing/Social Media for Business     2nd October

LinkedIn for Sales & Retention     7th October

Business Finance for Managers & Entrepreneurs  9th October

Business to Business Selling – The Secrets     29th October


PMI Exam Preparation     4th November

Managing Complex Organisational Relationships with Resilience    13th November


Cork Chamber Golf Classic 2014

Date: Thursday 4th September
Time: 7am - 2:30pm
Venue: Castlemartyr Resort
Cost: €60 / €240 for team of 4
To book: HERE

Cork Chamber is delighted to announce a new partnership with BAM Group Ireland for the Cork Chamber Annual Golf Classic 2014, which will take place again in the picturesque surrounds of the Castlemartyr Golf Resort. The Golf Classic is always a great day out and is suitable for individuals or teams, so you can network with fellow members on the golf course or entertain a team of clients on the day.


This event is always a sell-out, so BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.


Lunch on board Brittany Ferries Pont Aven

Date: Saturday 13th September
Time: 12pm – 3pm
Venue: Pont Aven Ferry, Ringaskiddy Port
Cost: €55 members / €60 non members
To Book: HERE 

This popular annual event is held in association with the Ireland France Chamber of Commerce and is a unique day out, giving Cork Chamber members an opportunity to see what the Pont Aven ferry has to offer as well as a chance to entertain clients and colleagues on board this fantastic Brittany Ferries link to France.


Sunday Business Post Economic Overview & Pre-Budget Panel Discussion

Date: Tuesday 16th September
TIme: 5pm – 7pm
Venue: Clarion Hotel
Cost: FREE for Cork Chamber members
To book: HERE


Cork Chamber will join forces with The Sunday Business Post and Chambers Ireland to bring you an event, which will give members an economic overview and the challenges facing businesses today, as well as focussing on the strong opportunities in this region in the Agri-Food and Marine sectors. 


BOOK HERE for this informative event.

Chamber Supported Events
Jobs Expo Cork
Date: Tuesday 9th September 
Venue: The Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork
To book: or to find out more email here or call us on 01 5311280 or visit here

Cork Chamber Business School is delighted to support this years Jobs Expo Cork. Are you seeking high calibre, talented & qualified candiates to fill your recruitment requirements? Then don't miss exhibiting at Jobs Expo Cork Tuesday 9th September.

For further details please contact Beth on 01 - 5311 280 or email
for further details and rates. 

Want what’s best for your business? So do we.

Jobs Expo is a highly successful careers and recruitment event that has an excellent footfall of high calibre, talented, experienced candidates who are extremely eager to talk with employers face to face regarding career opportunities at their organisations.

To ensure maximum exposure for both the event and our exhibitors, Jobs Expo Cork will be heavily marketed across a number of mediums including print, radio and online advertising as well as intensive Google AdWords, social media and newsletter campaigns. All in all, the marketing campaign for Jobs Expo is extremely visible and unfailingly one of the strongest campaigns of the season – providing you with an excellent opportunity for you to promote your company as a place to work.

Chamber Supported Projects
IDME Wins Unique US Business Opportunity

Cork Foundation, in collaboration with Cork innovates, announced that Irish female entrepreneur, Dee O’Leary of IDME, has been selected to travel to the USA this December to meet relevant industry leaders to expand their business into the States. Dee pitched to a panel of US delegates at the Thought Leadership Session led by Cork innovates and was announced last Wednesday July 30th at Cork Foundation’s Networking event at Rochestown Park Hotel.

Remarking on the exciting news, Dee O’Leary said “I am delighted to have been selected for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which complements our future business goals. We have begun to develop a strong market share in Ireland and Europe, but will now be focusing strongly on our US expansion.“ IDME safety wristbands ensure children’s contact details and medical requirements are kept close at hand.

During the Thought Leadership Session led by Cork innovates, 10 indigenous female entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas to a delegation of 8 top US businesswomen. “The women received strategic advice and information on how to break into the American market,” says Siobhan Finn, Project Director of Cork innovates, “the US delegation chose Dee based on her strategic vision and long term goals.”

The winner was announced last Wednesday July 30th at Cork Foundation’s Networking Evening, sponsored by Vodafone Ireland, EMC, PepsiCo and RDJ Solicitors, where over 100 of the top Irish businesswomen networked with the US delegates to showcase the best of what Ireland has to offer to the business world. The evening featured Anne O’Leary, CEO, Vodafone Ireland and Cork Foundation Strategic Advisory Board Member as keynote speaker and an artisan picnic which highlighted some of Cork’s finest food producers.

The two events were the first of their kind in Ireland and were created by Cork Foundation and Cork innovates to encourage female innovation and provide local female entrepreneurs with the opportunity to establish helpful business contacts.

“Women are 5 times more likely to set up their own business after meeting other women entrepreneurs. We wanted to provide an arena for these crucial introductions to take place because we recognise the important role entrepreneurs play as Cork works to develop itself as a flourishing business economy,” Says Cork Foundation CEO, Heather McGuire. “Dee O’Leary’s trip to the USA will open doors for her company and expose Cork’s business potential overseas.”



Expand your business Internationally with Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

SME Instrument

Is the European Commission’s SME Instrument right for your company? See 'read more' below to find out.


  • International Matchmaking Event, Celje, Slovenia, 11th September 2014
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Regional Investment, Brussels, Belgium, 24th September 2014
  • Italian Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-economy (IFIB), Genoa, Italy, 25th - 26th September 2014

Partnership Opportunities

See 'read more' for a snapshot of partnership opportunities with Slovakian, Finnish, Korean, Japanese, and Maltese companies.


Is the European Commission’s SME Instrument right for you?

The European Commission is looking for high-growth, highly innovative SMEs with global ambitions that want to disrupt the established value networks and existing markets. You should be driven, actively investing in innovation, and looking to grow. Your company should be well-established, and not at the early start-up stage.

Company Checklist:

  • Are you located in Ireland?
  • Do you meet the EU’s definition of an SME?
  • Has your company or management team previously successfully commercialised a product?
  • In the last two years, have you:
    • Been based in an innovation hub?
    • Received grants or venture capital funding?
    • Received innovation-related tax benefits?
    • Won an innovation prize?

Project Checklist:

  • Is your project highly innovative and does it have the potential to disrupt existing markets in your sector?
  • Does the project have evident EU / global impact?
  • Is the project at Technology Readiness Level 6 (i.e. has the technology been demonstrated in a relevant environment)?
  • Do you have the necessary IP protection for the IP protection for the project, or a clear IP strategy in place?
  • Are you looking to fund your project over the next 1-2 years?
  • Are your estimated project costs between €500k to €3.5m, and will you be able to raise 30% of the costs?
  • Does the project fit under one of the current open calls?


If you are an SME that can answer yes to all of the above, please contact for further information about the SME Instrument.



International Matchmaking Event, Celje, Slovenia, 11th September 2014

An international matchmaking event will take place in Celje, Slovenia, on 11th September 2014. The event will focus on the areas of Renewable Energy, Metal Processing, Construction, Wood Processing, Electro Industry, and Plastics. This free event will offer the opportunity to pre-schedule targeted meetings with potential cooperation partners. The event will be conducted through the English language. For further information about this event click here or contact


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Regional Investment, Brussels, Belgium, 24th September 2014

A seminar entitled ‘Aligning Regional Investment to Digital Enablers for Future Growth’ will take place in Brussels on 24 September. The seminar will discuss how ICT’s potential as a major contributor and enabler of growth and jobs can be best primed to drive economic and regional development, and how synergies might accordingly be created with European Structural and Investment Funds and other financing sources. For further information about this seminar, click here.


Italian Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-economy (IFIB), Genoa, Italy, 25th - 26th  September 2014

IFIB2014 is a workshop organised by Assobiotec, the Italian association for the development of biotechnology, Innovhub-SSI, the Italian Biocatalysis Centre, and the Genoa Chamber of Commerce. The IFIB 2014 is organised in the framework of the IFIB workshop and offers the chance to meet potential research, technology, and technology transfer partners through pre-arranged one-to-one meetings.  Participation is open to companies, universities, and public and private research centres from the field of Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-economy. For further information about this event click here or contact


Partnership Opportunities

A Slovakian company which focuses on the production of mortice door-locks, casting lines, garden furniture, electro-galvanising, and zinc galvanising, seeks buyers. The company’s focus area is to find potential buyers within the automotive, electro-technical, gardening, and lock manufacturing industries that are using zinc castings as parts of more complex products. For further information about this profile, please contact


A Finnish-Korean producer of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) kits seeks distributors for its range of products. The company is experienced in the fields of Aesthetics, Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedics, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, and Veterinary. The company’s advanced PRP devices are already present in Japan, South Korea, China, and in some European countries. It currently seeks distribution partners on the Irish market. For further information about this profile, please contact and quote 20110511009.


A Japanese manufacturer of domestic and industrial knives seeks Irish distributors. The company has over 60 years’ experience in the field of knife production and produces knives using materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, and powder alloy steel. Its integrated production system from the material selection enables efficient and speedy production and development. For further information about this profile, please contact and quote BOJP20140401001.


A Maltese producer of wine, liqueur, olive oil, jams, and chutneys, seeks cooperation opportunities with Irish off-licences, speciality food shops, restaurants, and speciality food distributors.  For further information about this profile, please contact and quote 20120830002.


To view all of the profiles contained within the Enterprise Europe Network database please click here.


Are you reaching your target audience?
As a member of Cork Chamber you have the opportunity to promote your business through our various communication tools - make sure you don't miss out!

  • Our weekly ebulletin (sent to over 3,000 people) allows you to showcase upcoming events or offers you may have for fellow Chamber members. 
  • Our monthly Chamberlink magazine has various advertising options allowing you to advertise for as little as €80.
  • Are you part of the Cork Chamber LinkedIn group? If not join us here.
  • Are you looking for the Chamber Directory? Make sure you log into the Members Area of our website where you can find fellow members, upload your business logo, twitter & LinkedIn address.

For more information please contact Deborah E: or T: 021 4530149.

News Headlines
1. Cork’s The River Lee Hotel Nominated For Three Prestigious Awards  - Read More HERE
2. Port Of Cork Turnover Increases By Over 6% In 2013 - Read More HERE 
3. Leading Broadband Service Nova Broadband Celebrated 10 Years In Business At Their Premises In Little Island - Read More HERE 


Member Events
UCC Innovation Master Classes
Date: Wednesday 17th -Thursday 18th September 2014
Time: See Summary for times of specific event
Venue: O’Rahilly Building Room 2.55 (Workshops) and Boole 2 (Evening Lecture)
Cost: Free but registration required
To book: Registration and more information HERE 

UCC’s School of Management & Marketing, UCC are delighted to announce the visit of Prof. Erik Vermeulen, Professor of Business and Financial Law, who will deliver three Innovation Master Classes and a keynote Evening Lecture: Public Lecture- Wednesday 7pm:  The Globalization of Innovation and Business Creation  Workshop 1 Wednesday 9am: The Organization and Funding of Early-Stage Businesses Workshop 2 Wednesday 2pm: New Trends in Early-Stage Business Financing Workshop 3 Thursday 9am: The Truth about IPOs (and Acquisitions) of High Tech Companies.