In this issue
M20 is a key catalyst for economic development
Subsidised Training
Improve your relationship with your Team and with your Customers!
Network on the Move!
Leadership in Action
UK Incoming Trade Mission
A Bottle of Prosecco for Your Thoughts!
Member Updates
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M20 is a key catalyst for economic development

The M20 is a key catalyst for economic development in the Cork, Limerick, wider Southern region and the Atlantic Corridor as a whole.

As Ireland’s second largest city region and second largest economic engine, Cork is a thriving and expanding hub of economic, industrial, research and business development activities. Indeed, over the last 25 years, Cork has consistently attracted many of the world’s largest companies to locate within the region and is now home to global market leaders in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, ICT, biotechnology, professional services and international financial services. The potential of the region and its ability to grow and develop is centred on the ability of the region to identify the key factors that will promote growth and also the ability to identify those that have the potential to hinder long term growth and attractiveness.

One such factor that can heighten or hamper growth is the level of connectivity which a city or region experiences. Connectivity is a universally acknowledged factor that is emphasised time and time again as being crucial in attracting in and sustaining investment to a region and therefore it is a priority for businesses to be supported by a level of infrastructural connectivity that is conducive to enabling growth and expansion. Cork Chamber strongly encourages that the decision not to progress with the development of the M20 motorway to the planning stages be reconsidered as this critical piece of infrastructure will support increased competitiveness and economic growth for Cork, Limerick, the wider Southern region and the Atlantic Corridor as a whole. As far back as 2007, in the Cork to Limerick Route Pre-Feasibility Report, it was evaluated that the route between Cork and Limerick suffered from capacity issues and therefore needed to be upgraded to a higher quality.


Not much has changed in the intervening period with the road connecting Ireland’s 2nd and 3rd cities still being comprised of a mixture of dual and single carriageways. As journey times grow ever increasingly critical from a ‘doing business’ and competitivenessperspective the limiting of traffic between Cork and Limerick to roads that are not equipped to serve current and predicted growth should be seriously addressed as a lack of vision here could greatly hamper anticipated growth. The 2007 Pre-Feasibility Report also states that HGV movements along the Cork to Limerick N20 cause a reduction in average traffic speed particularly through the narrower and more sinuous sections where overtaking is not possible. This has many repercussions, and not only from a journey time perspective, but also from a road safety perspective.  Indeed, the proposed corridor would bypass towns and villages and in doing so separate strategic traffic from local traffic, improving journey times for the strategic Cork to Limerick traffic, and increasing safety for all road users along the route. The proposed corridor includes connections to each town and is of potential benefit to these towns in easing congestion and also in ensuring an efficient road link to Cork and/or Limerick. What’s more, It is expected that the agri, food and dairy sectors in the region will grow in the coming years due to the abolition of milk quotas and as these are transport heavy industries, this growth will result in increased traffic between the cities which will result in increasing pressure on the existing N20 road between Cork and Limerick and the greater Atlantic Corridor reaching to Galway and the west.


What’s more, the Action Plan for Jobs 2015 highlights a number of key ambitions of which the building of “an indigenous engine of growth that drives up the export market share of Irish companies” and the building of “world-class clusters in key sectors” are deemed of significant strategic importance and therefore the existence of “fit for purpose” road connectivity is essential in realising the future aspirations of our regions and the ability of our regions to work in partnership. Furthermore, as reinforced within the Cork Area Strategic Plan (2001 – 2020), the success of the economy of Cork is dependent upon a number of factors of which excellent physical infrastructure and ease of access are critical.


The recurring theme associated with the importance of our infrastructure from a regional and national perspective cannot be underestimated and prompts questioning as regards the future affect that such decisions to curtail such regionally critical investment will have in the longer term.  What’s more, according to the IDA, Cork sits at the industrial heart of Ireland with Co. Cork having the highest value of gross output per person engaged in industry in Ireland in 2011. As significantly, the South West region accounted for the highest percentage of Irish industrial output at 36.2 percent, or €36.7billion, in 2011. Such data quantifies clearly the contribution of Cork and the South West region to the overall health of the national economy and the reluctance to enable this growth to develop and expand is very disappointing to the region as a whole.


Cork Chamber reiterates strongly the need to develop this critical piece of infrastructure and strongly encourages that the decision to not progress with the development of the M20 be reconsidered. It is clear that the development of this critical artery linking Cork and Limerick would result in improvements in employment, attraction of FDI, reduced traffic congestion and improved journey times between Irelands 2nd and 3rd cities. Cork Chamber therefore requests that Minister Donohoe clarifies future intentions with regard to this critical infrastructural development which is increasingly vital to promoting and enabling growth in the Cork, Limerick, wider Southern and the Atlantic Corridor regions.


Subsidised Training
Improve your relationship with your Team and with your Customers!

Business is all about relationships, working with your team and connecting with your customers. We have 2 courses coming up designed to help you do just that!

Influencing & Negotiating Skills

Course Dates: 26th & 27th May

Member Rate: €245.00

Is this course for me?

This course is ideal for anyone who wishes to improve their persuading, influencing and negotiating skills. This is particularly relevant for anyone in the areas of marketing, sales, advertising & buying.


What’s in it for Me?

Once you complete this course, you will:

  • acquire the skills to prepare and plan effectively for negotiations;
  • understand the roles and functions people play within the customer’s organisation with whom they are negotiating;
  • develop an awareness of strategies to deal with people in the customer organisation;
  • cultivate the persuasive style of conducting a professional sales negotiation;
  • understand how customer behaviour can influence the negotiation strategy, and
  • explore ways to identify and deal with common barriers to achieving goals.

These are key skills that once learned have applicability across both business and life situations.


Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)

Course Dates: 2nd, 8th & 15th June & 10th July

Member Rate: €525.00

The main purpose of this programme is to provide candidates with the tools and techniques necessary to work in a supervisory management role. You will learn the key areas of management such as roles and responsibilities, employment legislation, recruitment, performance management, data protection, operational planning and budgeting.

If you are new to the management area, thinking of moving or are an existing manager, this course is ideal for you.

At the end of this programme, successful participants will be able to:

  1. List the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor/line manager;
  2. Analyse the process of staff recruitment;
  3. Identify the key areas of workplace legislation and best practice in staff supervision;
  4. List the main provisions of the Data Protection Act;
  5. Develop operations manuals for work-related procedures, including systems for records management;
  6. Prepare departmental budgets, taking into account a range of potential expenses such as labour and material costs, insurances and contingency;
  7. Identify best practices in the ongoing training and development of their staff;

Manage performance and conduct effective performance appraisals.


Network on the Move!
In association with Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail
Date: Wednesday, 20th May 
Time: 17:15pm  - 19:30pm
Venue: Kent Station, Cork
Cost: Free for Chamber Members
To book: here

Cork Chamber and Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail will “link carriages” for the next Business After Hours networking event. This is an event with a difference, as it will take place on a moving train!

This after hours event will give you plenty of opportunities to network with fellow Cork Chamber members and with links to the regional hubs of Cobh & Charleville Chambers, you will meet new contacts as well as experiencing all of what Irish Rail can offer on board a return journey with a difference.

This event will truly put the “speed” back into speed networking, so don’t delay and be sure to book your place now.

Leadership in Action

Date: Thursday, 4th June

Time: 8.00am – 12.30pm

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island

Cost: €120 Cork Chamber members / €150 non members



This year’s half day experiential forum entitled 'Leadership In Action' , run in association with Laya Healthcare, will focus on the role of leadership and how embracing leadership at all levels can impact on the growth of organisations of all sizes. 

Why this is the event for you & your TEAM: 

  • Transform the way you think about leadership and breakthrough any hidden barriers that may be preventing you from leading effectively.
  • Recognise that there is a leader in everyone and identify how these qualities can be used for the benefit of your organisation.
  • Get the skills and mindset to become the leader you always knew you could be.
  • Discover your own leadership qualities - these will be identified by renowned Occupational Psychologist Neil O’Brien. 
  • Make a positive, lasting change and get ready to lead yourself and your team to greatness.

Sponsored by Laya Healthcare

Networking breaks sponsored by KPMG

Join the conversation on Twitter #LeadershipinAction 

UK Incoming Trade Mission
In association with Enterprise Europe Network

Date: Wednesday, 24th June 
Time: 08:00- 13:00
Venue: Clarion Hotel
Cost: free however registration is essential 
To book: here

EEN Midlands at Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce is bringing UK businesses on a Market Visit to Ireland from 22nd-24th June 2015.  A B2B Matchmaking Event with EEN Cork is scheduled to take place in Cork on 24th June. The UK delegates are keen to build linkages with Cork companies.

The participating UK companies include:

1. High Force Research Ltd. (Chemical Synthesis and R&D)
2. Martec of Whitwell Ltd(Clean-in-place & hygienic pigging specialists)
3. MD Advisory (Specialist tax advisor)
4. Pharma Glass Vials and Closures Ltd(Glass primary packaging for the pharma industry)
5. Repeat Software Ltd(AV equipment and digital signage software)
6. Shelton's Coffee  (100% Columbian coffee and flavoured coffee cubes)
7. Soutron Ltd(Library and Information management Software)
8. Tarvin Precision Ltd(CNC machined components for medical & scientific industries)

For further information take a look here for or contact Katherine

A Bottle of Prosecco for Your Thoughts!

Is your business affected by the EU’s general food safety laws? If so, we would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete a short survey about how food safety regulations impact on your business.


All respondents’ names will be placed into a draw for a bottle of Prosecco!

How does the EU’s General Food Law impact on your business?

The European Commission has launched a public consultation in order to better understand how General Food Law (i.e. EU rules on food/feed safety along the production chain) affects small businesses in the sector.  The Commission is keen to hear about SME experiences, both good and bad, in terms of complying with the legislation.  If, for example, the current legislation creates additional paperwork or undue costs for your business, then they would like to know. 

This survey is aimed at all food / feed businesses along the supply chain, including:

  • Processors and manufacturers of food/feed products
  • Manufacturers of food contact materials (e.g. packaging, cutlery and kitchen equipment)
  • Plant production products (pesticides)
  • Wholesalers of food/feed products
  • Retailers (mainly selling food/feed, specialised or non-specialised)
  • Caterers / restaurants
  • Transport / storage (mainly for the food/feed sector, specialised or non-specialised)

Your feedback will help assess the effectiveness of the law, and possibly make changes to it.  If you are operating in one of the sectors above and would be willing to complete a short survey on how food/feed regulations impact your business, please click through the following link:


All respondents’ names will be placed into a draw for a bottle of Prosecco!

Win a fantastic night for two

We strive to provide you with the best possible service and value for your membership. To help us achieve this please complete our short five minute survey, letting us know how we may adapt and scale our services according to your business needs. 

When you complete this survey you will be entered into a draw to win a fantastic night for two at Cork's premier event - Katherine Jenkins & José Carreras on June 20th and an overnight stay at the 4 star Clarion Hotel Cork. 

All responses are strictly confidential. Thank you to all those who have already completed the survey. 

Complete Survey HERE 

Thank you to our survey prize sponsors, City of Cork Symphony Orchestra & The Clarion Hotel Cork



Corporate Partners 2015
Our Corporate Partner Programme has continued to go from strength to strength with 43 companies now participating. This programme is designed to drive change and accelerate business growth, using collective voices of the leading employers in the region for the benefit of all businesses. See more on our 2015 Corporate Partners here.

Latest News
  • World Economic Survey: World Economic Climate Continues to Improve- read more here 
  • CorkBIC Awarded Best performing New EBAN Member 2015 - read more here
  • Xanadu Shortlisted For International Innovation Award - read more here
  • SECAD To Host Free Training Event For Food Producers in South & East Cork Region - read more here 
  • Imagine Your Discovery… read more here
  • New Sponsor Unveiled for 2015 'Best Dressed Lady' Competition @ Galway Races! - read more here
  • 'Our Table' is set to be one of the highlights of Cork Midsummer Festival 2015 - read more here
  • Countdown to 2015 Cork Summer Show Begins - read more here
  • Women On Air Founder To Address IT@Cork 'Women in Tech' Series - read more here
  • Intervention by LRC in Bus Dispute Welcomed - read more here

Members Offers
BBQ in the City
Period of the offer available: 31st August 2015

Book your company barbecue now at the Montenotte Hotel, Outdoor BBQ area on the Garden patio where you and your colleagues you can enjoy breath taking views of the city. Complimentary sangria cocktail reception to all chamber members who book. Call 021 4530050

Ring of Kerry Day Tour
Period of the offer available:  Every Sunday in May 

Depart St. Patrick's Quay, Cork at 08:30 on the Ring of Kerry Day Tour. Explore key highlights along the Ring of Kerry such as; Molly Gallivan's Cottage, Torc Waterfall, Ross Castle, Mucross House, Gap of Dunloe & Kate Kearney's Cottage.  Duration 10 Hours (Return to Cork at 18:30 approximately) Was €39.00 Offer Price €25.00pp.  

See 'read more' for Cliffs of Moher Day Tour. 

 Cliffs of Moher Day Tour 

Period of the offer available:  Every Saturday in May 

Depart St. Patrick's Quay, Cork at 08:30. The first stop along the route will be Bunratty Castle & Folk Park for a quick photostop. Onwards then to the magnificent Cliffs of Moher, after over 1.5hrs exploring the Cliffs we will journey through the Burren region with beautiful scenery to Foynes Flying Boat & Maritime Museum - the home of the Irish Coffee.Was €39.00 Offer Price €25.00pp. 

Member Events
Network Cork Businesswoman of the Year Awards
Date: Friday, 15th May 
Time: 12.30-3pm
Venue: The Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island
Cost: Members €45, Non-Members €55
To book: Advance booking essential as spaces are limited

Network Cork’s annual Businesswoman of the Year Awards is taking place on Friday May 15th at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island. Featuring guest speaker Moya Doherty, networking reception, three course lunch and the prestigious awards ceremony, this event promises to be an exciting and unmissable date for your calendar.

Irish-language in Business

Date:Tuesday, 19th May
Time: 09:30 -11a.m.
Venue: Imperial Hotel
Cost: Free of Charge
To Book: here  

 Learn how the Irish-language in your business can add value & attract business in a simple & cost-effective way. More details available here

Practitioners Update
Date: Tuesday, 19th May 
Time: 7.30am registration & breakfast. 7.45am seminar begins 9.30am seminar ends
Venue: Clarion Hotel, Lapp’s Quay, Cork
Cost: Free of charge
To book: here 

During this seminar our speakers will highlight some of the main challenges and issues facing practitioners in today’s business environment, including:
  • The Companies Act
  • Accounting issues and new reporting requirements
  • Debt restructuring

Robert McKee Storynomics
Date: Friday, 22nd May
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Killarney Convention Centre
Cost: €495.00
To book: here 

This is the first of Robert McKee’s workshops on Storynomics with only three more taking place in 2015 in Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles. Here you will leave equipped with the tools to lead a successful company, secure funding and persuade more customers to do business with you.

Growth Through Innovation – Microsoft Story
Date: Wednesday, 20th May 
Time: 7:15 am to 9:00 am
Venue: Kingsley Hotel, Victoria Cross, Cork
Cost: €15 for MII members and €25 for non members
To book: here 

Innovation can give you the competitive edge needed to deliver real added value for your customers and increase your profits. How can you incorporate innovation into your business? Come and hear about Microsoft’s innovation journey and get a practical insight into the process that it uses to identify customer insights, generate ideas, testing, product launch and success measurement.

PFH Technology Group will sponsor the event.

Grand Job campaign launch event
Date: Monday, 25th May
Time: 5.30pm
Venue: Vertigo at Cork County Hall
To book: 021 4643255 / 463235 or email here

Are you interested in creating a caring and inclusive workplace and giving people with disabilities opportunities to contribute to the workforce? Cope Foundation invites you to join us as we launch our first major campaign called “Grand Job?” and help us to change things for the better for people with intellectual disabilities in the area of employment.     

Business Process Analytics: theory & practice
Date: Thursday, 11th June 
Time: 08:00am to 09:30am with breakfast
Venue: The Kingsley Hotel, Victoria Cross, Cork
Cost: no charge
Register: here

CeADAR Breakfast Seminar Series in Big Data Analytics

Business Process Analytics concerns the analysis, modelling, and optimisation of business processes within an enterprise. It is closely related to documentation and standardisation efforts within an organisation and beyond. In this seminar we explore the subject from both the business and research perspectives.



Cope Foundation Summertime Fundraising Ball
Date: Saturday, 27th June 
Time: Champagne Reception 7.15pm
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork
Cost: €100 per ticket or Corporate rate per table of 10 for €900
To book:  Email Tanya here   / 021 - 464 3220 before 12th June

Cope Foundation is one of Cork’s biggest charities and caters for over 2,300 children and adults with intellectual disability and/or autism throughout Cork City and County. The proceeds of the Ball, which is a Black-Tie event will go directly to Cope’s Early Intervention Service which helps children with intellectual disability from 0-6 years old.