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Read all about it: Cork Chamber’s Economic Bulletin is available online
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Read all about it: Cork Chamber’s Economic Bulletin is available online

The latest Cork Chamber Economic Bulletin provides an update on National and Regional economic developments over Q2 2015 and includes commentary on the revised national accounts data for 2014 which saw GDP growth revised from 4.8% to 5.2% while GNP growth for the same period was revised from 5.2% to 6.9%. The bulletin, kindly sponsored by Kernel Capital also highlights ongoing positive movement in employment levels across Europe and Ireland. 

This quarter’s bulletin includes a report on the key calls contained in Cork Chamber’s 2016 Pre Budget submission as well as a piece on Chamber’s Ireland’s  top tips for accessing Public Procurement. This quarter’s survey results demonstrates more positive trends in terms of  Cork business confidence levels and also demonstrates the views of Cork businesses regarding the proposals they would like included in the upcoming budget. To read this quarters bulletin please click here

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