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Purple Ambitions Striving Forward

The submission date for the Cork City Purple Flag Award Application is fast approaching with the final application being submitted on July 10th.  The application, coordinated by Cork Chamber has brought together a multitude of stakeholders, working within and for the city has garnered the successful commitment and collaboration of all those involved. The awarding of the Purple Flag symbolises a location that offers a well-managed, diverse, entertaining and enjoyable evening and night out. 

The application involved a self-assessment of Cork City centre area which focused on reviewing the evening and night time offering of the city under the five themes of the award scheme which are Wellbeing, Movement, Appeal, Place and Policy, was contributory in emphasising the positives and areas in need of attention for those visiting and enjoying the city centre area. 

The final Purple Flag Award assessment, which will be undertaken by an external Purple Flag assessor and will take place in August, will inform the concluding section of the overall application and in doing so will be key to the final award decision.


The announcement of the final awarding decision is expected in November 2015.

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