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Cork Airport Top Priority for Cork Chamber
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Lent Begins
Learn About Lille - The Food Industry Powerhouse of Northern France
March Business Breakfast featuring Dr Kieran Drain, CEO of the Tyndall National Institute
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Lent Begins

MS Excel (Intermediate) - 2007/2010

Course Date: 25th February                                                    Member Rate: €110.00

On completion of this course participants will be able to use much of the functionality with MS Excel including:

• Competent use of Shortcut Keys


• Use formatting tools such as the format painter


• Write and copy formulas – Relative / Absolute


• Work with multiple worksheets and write formulas across sheets / Link Sheets


• Create professional looking charts and use drawing tools to enhance these


• Use the database functionality of MS Excel – Sorting & Auto Filter


Digital Marketing/Social Media for Business Training Course

Course Dates: 4 Days (February 26th, 5th, 12th & 19th March) All Four Days can be booked together or individual days of interest can be booked separately.

Member Rate: €440.00 for the four days or €140.00 per individual day.

  • Day One

Search Optimisation, website conversion and web traffic tools

Targeted Advertising with Google, Google Analytics and creating landing pages

  • Day Two

Content Creation: Using a blog or your website to create attractive content

Facebook for Business: Using Facebook Pages to market to their Billion+ users

  • Day Three

Twitter for Business: Using Twitter for sales, support and marketing.

LinkedIn: Using this business social network for lead generation and building the reputation of your business

  • Day Four

Mobile Future: Should you create an app? What is the work involved. Getting your company ready for the mobile revolution

Devising a Marketing Plan: Creating a template for your company to be efficient in digital marketing


Business Finance for Entrepreneurs & Managers  

Course Dates: 26th February                                      Member Rate: €120.00

At the end of this programme, you will have the knowledge and perspective to understand how financial statements are a fair and objective measure of business performance.

Following this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the common financial terms and concepts used in business
  • Describe the content and purpose of the main financial statements - Profit & Loss Account (Income Statement) and Balance Sheet
  • Use targeted ratio analysis to measure business performance in the three core areas of management responsibility i.e. profitability, stability and asset utilisation
  • Understand and explain relevant business tactics to improve performance in each of the three core areas


Nailing that Job Interview

Course Date: 26th February                                        Member Rate: €120.00

The programme aims to develop participants’ skills, competence and confidence to ensure they present themselves at their full potential when attending for interview and maximize their success in attaining employment.

It will enable participants to:

  • prepare effectively for the interview
  • develop coping mechanisms for dealing with nervousness
  • present themselves at their best at the interview

Learners who successfully complete this course will:

  • Have practical techniques and skills to prepare themselves for any interview.
  • Be more confident in interviews
  • Anticipate and prevent common stumbling blocks encountered at interview
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