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Leadership in Action

2015 Forum

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.” 
(Vince Lombardi)

''Don't find fault, find a remedy''
(Henry Ford)

These are just some of the quotes that have inspired our speakers for the 2015 Forum #leadershipinaction. In the lead up to the main event we will be focussing on “leader snapshots”  from the speakers who are leading in all types of different ways across a variety of organisations and sectors.

This week, you will hear from Anne Riordan from the Irish Heart Foundation and DC Cahalane from Other panel speakers at the forum include Veronica Kenneally, Veronica’s Snacks, Paul Walsh, Intel Security and Joan Lucey, Vibes & Scribes.  You can find these Café Conversations on LinkedIn and/or come along to the event to engage directly on Thursday the 4th June in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island. 

In a rapidly changing world, the critically important role of leadership, in creating and sustaining the workplace culture necessary to deliver organisations goals, has never been more evident.
To book your place now please click here

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