In this issue
Sustained Defence of our Reputation Key
Cork Teams Step Up to the Challenge!
Subsidised Training
We want to hear from you!
Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)
Certificate in Training Delivery & Evaluation (FETAC Level 6)
Annual Golf Classic in association with Vhi Healthcare
Come Visit Us!
Food Matters Live, London, 22nd -24th November 2016
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Come Visit Us!
This Friday September 2nd from 10.30am to 12:30pm you are invited to the Cork Chamber Offices on Summerhill North. You will get the opportunity to have a one to one meeting with a member of the team and to learn specific ways in which Cork Chamber can help your business.This is open to both members and non-members. 

Please forward this information to anyone who may be interested in learning more about Cork Chamber. Contact Danielle 086 0770 432  or please feel free to pop in for a cup of coffee and a chat about maximising your membership. 


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