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REMCAP Workshop at Maritime Days, Greece
Subsidised Training
Design for Delight
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Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation
Asia Business Week Ireland 2015
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Design for Delight

The phenomenon of content marketing has unfolded rapidly. It is all pervasive and appears across all channels. You need to stand out and we have two brand new courses that will achieve just that.


Indesign Esentials  training course on 6th & 7th July 2015 will equip you with the technical skills required to create engaging documents such as ads, flyers, brochures and newsletters. Click here to book.


Inspiring Video Journalism training course on 21st August 2015 will equip you with the technical skills required to produce and edit your very own dynamic professional corporate web broadcast/youtube video using your ipad/iphone. Click here to book.



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