Get to know Enterprise Europe Network@CorkChamber
30 October, one to one meetings available

This is an opportunity for individual companies to book one to one slots (45 mins) for an ndividual consultation on Enterprise Europe Network. 

It is an ideal for SMEs in region not yet engaged and aware of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)-  it's the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.


These sessions are for SMEs with potential capacity & capability to proactively work with international partners. Avail of a live demonstration of opportunities database & matchmaking service with up to10000 tech and business offers available.

  • Intro & overview of network
  • Review of potential business offers & requests
  • Live search of upcoming events
  • B2B matching opportunities
  • Potential company profile & pitch discussion 
  • Overview of potential funding & information signposting