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Your Number One Priority

In theory, the UK Trade Tariff tool would be updated with the new customs duty rates if the UK were to leave the EU without an agreement and the rates would apply from 11pm on 29th March 2019.

To find out what these rates would be ahead of the tool being updated:

Find out whether a preferential tariff rate, MFN tariff rate or tariff quota rate applies by searching for the good using the commodity code.

The other most likely tariff regime is WTO and the data on WTO members' tariffs are of two types:

  •  Bound rates (the ceiling rates as listed in members’ “schedules” or lists of commitments) 
  •  Applied rates (the rates members currently charge, which can be lower than the bound rates). 

To access the WTO Tariff database options searching the databases can be found here.


For further general Brexit information and tools visit Cork Chamber Brexit Page

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